X-JWC Board of Directors
Club Officers for 2022-2023
President - Lucy Russell
First Vice-President - Kathleen Petersen
Second Vice-President - Karen Lee
Secretary - Carol Ash
Treasurer - Phyllis Salzburg
Director of Membership - Cindy Hardesty
GFWC Community Service Program Chairs (Members of the Board)
Arts and Culture - Karen Schroeder and Chris Ryan
Environment - Jennifer Mullin
Education and Libraries - Carolyn Turbiville
Health and Wellness - Nancy Krois
Civic Engagement and Outreach - Trish Peoples
GFWC X-JWC Standing Committee Chairs (Members of the Board)
Community Improvement Program - Bev Campbell
The selected recipients of the Community Improvement Funds for 2020-2022:
Friday Food Bag and Family Promise of Cheyenne.
Courtesy and Member Contact - Carolyn Turbiville and Toni Greene
ESO - Norine Samuelson
Legislation - Julia Ortner
Ways and Means - Karen Lee
Historian - Kathleen Petersen
Communication - Phyllis Salzburg
Ex-Officio (non board voting members)
Parliamentary Advisor - Patty Benskin
Advisor - Kathleen Petersen
All X-JWC members are encouraged to attend at least a few board meetings during the year. If you would like to discuss
something with the board, please notify the President prior to the meeting so it can be added to the agenda.
GFWC X-JWC Special Committee Chairs
Publicity - Phyliss Salzburg
Finance - Joanne Bassett
Bylaws Revision - Patty Benskin
Auditing - Joanne Bassett
Historian - Kathleen Petersen
GFWC X-JWC Club Groups
Bunco - Karen Schroeder
Member Visits - Toni Greene
Literary - Mary Lou Marcum