If you are interested in joining X-Junior Women's Club of Cheyenne please contact our Membership Chair
X-JWC club members are always looking for women who have a desire to volunteer in supporting their community, improve their social life by making new friends and an opportunity to learn new things.
The club meets the first Tuesday of each month, September through May for a luncheon meeting. Lunch is served at 11:30 and the meeting usually adjourns by 2:00PM.
The club Annual dues are $38. If a new member joins during January or February the dues are $19 for the rest of the year. The next annual dues of $38 must be paid no later than May 31.
Under the National guidelines clubs must participate in six programs that service the community
Art-working to sponsor the visual arts, performing arts and creative arts in the community.
Conservation-working in the area of preservation of plants, animals, our earth and air.
Education-working on academic issues, scholarships, and lifetime learning.
Home-life-working with various age groups within the community to support the role of family.
International-working to promote international understanding through various activities.
Public Issues-working in the areas of citizenship, crime reduction and safety.
The club also has club member activities to provide for an opportunity to socialize and interact with others.
If you choose to participate, currently there is: Monthly Bunco (fun dice game), Crafts, Literary (book club), Bridge, and Gourmet group.
Membership Responsibilities:
Attend as many meetings as possible from September through May.
Pay annual dues timely during the 3 month period, March 1, through May 31.
Donate to the main money making projects by financial support and/or participation.
Must participate in at least one of the six Programs listed above.
We encourage you to:
Attend at least two board meetings to get a better understanding of club operations.
Recruit new members. You must be a member for one year before you can sponsor a new member however, tell your friends, co-workers and relatives and someone in the club can sponsor them for you.
Attend orientation provided for new members.
This is a lot of information and may even seem somewhat overwhelming, but in reality it is an easy and fun club to belong to and the club does so many worthwhile and fun things. If you have questions call Kathy Petersen 421-4496 or Bev Campbell, 634-4483. We look forward to having you join us in our goal of good fellowship and serving our community.